Highlighted Events > SO/SEW/SHOW SHAM SHUI PO
24/11/2023 - 3/12/2023


SO WALK 有嘢睇!「閘遊X舖史」鐵閘導賞團

Organised by One Bite Design Studio

(Only Chinese version is available.)

SO WALK 有嘢睇!「閘遊X舖史」鐵閘導賞團 - 「閘畫」背後的老店和他們的歷史

記錄老店歷史可以有很多不同方法,結合口述歷史和社區藝術的「閘畫」你又看過嗎?本次導賞團,拾源百塊「閘畫 x 舖史」項目的導賞員將帶領參加者遊覽深水埗區,在欣賞團隊的老店的閘畫作品的同時認識老店的發展和歷史。 「閘畫 x 舖史」項目旨在透過社區藝術與老店融合,把老店的特色和歷史以口述歷史紀錄和以閘畫形式呈現,同時支持本地藝術家參與社區項目,推動以社區參與及協作達至社區融合的理念。

  • 日期:2023年11月24日(星期五)
  • 時間:20:00 - 21:30(1.5小時)
  • 集合地點:協義興繡莊( 深水埗南昌街石硤尾邨第20座地下121號)
  • 解散地點:深水埗元州街桂林街交界
  • 人數:15人
  • 截止報名日期:2023年11月19日(星期日)
  • 報名表格:https://forms.gle/8LbT44SS2bvZPabu7

The above information is provided by BODW CityProg Strategic Partner One Bite Design Studio.

The Organiser reserves the right to cancel, postpone or change any details such as dates and formats of all events without prior notice. Please stay tuned to the Organiser website and social media for the latest updates.

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About Partner

One Bite Design Studio

As the first architecture practice certified as B Corp in Hong Kong, One Bite Design Studio is dedicated to creating positive impact through multi-disciplinary design. We are a creative team of strategists, architects, urban planners, designers, community outreach managers and event managers, who strive to bridge the gaps between space, place and our society by constantly exploring the synergies among our stakeholders.

Headquartered in Hong Kong with an office in Singapore, we have been involved in various architectural, interior design; art and pop-up installations; visual communication and social creative projects in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia since 2014.