Anchor Site Festivals > Cheongsam Rhapsody

Neighbourhood Treasure Hunt

Organised by Wontonmeen and FashionClinic by T

(Only Chinese version is available)

文字段落和舊物將散落在深水埗扎根的聯昌皮號、Elf lab、皂工房、Colour Brown、Café Sausalito和Storerooms No.1店鋪之中,歡迎到訪各處尋覓、重組背後的故事。

只要在各間店鋪中尋找並集齊五張節錄張愛玲手筆的字條,或穿著長衫在Wontonmeen的展覽拍照,再放上Instagram,hashtag #長衫狂想曲 #cheongsamrhapsody,在12月5日00:00前獲得最多like數的參加者便可免費獲得Wontonmeen的一晚住宿!


The above information is provided by BODW CityProg Strategic Partner Wontonmeen and FashionClinic by T.

In light of the current pandemic situation, the Organiser reserves the right to cancel, postpone or change any details such as dates and formats of all events without prior notice. Please stay tuned to the Organiser website and social media for the latest updates.