Satellite Events & Offers


Parents & Kids Sport Carnival

Organised by Spark Up Asia (APAC Culture and Creative Industries Alliance)

(Chinese Version Olny)


第五屆香港國際飛鏢節暨親子體育嘉年華將於2023年11月30至12月3日假香港啟德郵輪碼頭Waiting Hall A 2樓舉行,並於首日(11月30日)舉行開幕典禮,以為活動揭開序幕!一連四日的節目非常豐富,入場人士除了能欣賞國際飛鏢邀請賽的預賽及香港公開賽同埋帶同家中各成員於專區體驗飛鏢運動的樂趣之外,更可於攤位遊戲贏取豐富禮物、在體驗區盡情學習及試玩飛鏢等等。另外今屆飛鏢節更有飛鏢慈善馬拉松及破健力士世界紀錄,設超過300個展銷攤位,更設立古裝街區及本地創意市集為入場人士帶來更多元化的體驗, 一同渡過精彩的週末!

The above information is provided by BODW CityProg Partner.

In light of the current pandemic situation, the Organiser reserves the right to cancel, postpone or change any details such as dates and formats of all events without prior notice. Please stay tuned to the Organiser website and social media for the latest updates.

About Partner

Spark Up Asia (APAC Culture and Creative Industries Alliance)

Spark up Asia is dedicated to the Asia cultural and Creative Industries Alliance and supported by group of entrepreneurs and creators.

We help bridging the gap between Asian creative and global market and facilitate connect to the latest technology, We cover art, fashion, design, music, film, and all kind of creative activities.

Supporting young talented creators is not a slogan; That is our everyday works and mission by heart.